Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Oh good ol' life you never cease to amaze me.

Thank you for those who cross my path.

For each of them are a blessing within my life.

If you give all you've got , the world will give you life ,

with a bunch of little perks to keep you optimistic throughout your journey.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Good things.

FINALLY been waiting for this damn moment of clarity.

At last I'm startin to feel a bit more lively.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Flower Love

Pay close attention to the beauty nature creates.

Take a glance at the world around you.

See the colors that surround you.

You'll find yourself in awe the deeper you breathe.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Enough said.

Create the life you live to change the world.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Finally Grasping Reality.

High school is nothing but memories and with that people are left behind. Those who choose to stay wrapped up in that tiny little festering bubble that they sadly call life.

If you think for one second that "work hard, party harder" is a motto then you
are mistaken, but then again define your definition of partying ?
Massive social events that include drinking, marijuana and a dance floor ... alright those I can understand. BUT cocaine, pills, alcohol amongst other substances within one night is wreck less neglect to your body.
What will be left to survive after struggling to work hard once all that
excessive "partying" is no more? Or will it always be ?

Nausea overwhelms me to know the people that once were my entire life are no long even a speck of who we were. Evolving is human nature. It's what we are habit to. The only thing constant is change. So change for the better not get sucked in to the black dark hole of misery.

Days go by where is sit and wonder about life every morning I wake up I think to
myself what is today going to bring me.
More obstacles are put in my path everyday but I always told myself once I hit 21 things were going to come full throttle. I take my falls to be my own and not to blame anyone else. These are MY obstacles and MY experiences that I must learn from.

Your choices are no one elses but your own. With that said I love you all far
too much but I have grown to love myself more because I truly care about what
this world has to offer.
Until you are able to comprehend your path in this life I will stand on the sidelines routing for you to come to your senses to realize what a beautiful human-being you truly once were.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tale for Life.

Beauty exists beyond the images in which we see. Our world flows with unique life and compromising characters. This is the world we live in and we must choose to accept these obstacles. Days continue to release hardships in order for us to gain strength in this corrupt state of living.
The other day my mother told me the story of the farmer and the donkey. For those who are unfamiliar with this story allow me to share with you a lesson that helped me survive these past few months.
This is the tale of The Farmer and The Donkey.
One day a farmers donkey fell down into the well. The animal cried as the farmer tried to figure out how to get the donkey out. However the farmer was unable to get the fallen animal out and thought hmm this donkey is old and the well needs to be covered up anyways. The famers takes a shovel a starts to throw dirt down in to the well. The donkey realizes whats going on and starts shaking off the dirt until the dirt finally rose up and the donkey trotted right out of the well.
Short and sweet. Don't let life take you under. You will always over come. Remember this.